It's no wonder that Titus imagines that the picture of the sailboat is boring when he has the feed to constantly care for and entertain him, (although it's arguable that the feed is at all healthy, look at those smexy lesions, I just love it when I can see past someones skin...). Anyway, because Titus and his friends are constantly wrapped up in their feeds, they have no time to actually care about anything substantial unless it can be bought off the feed. The picture suggests freedom in the subject of roaming the open waters, yet Titus and his friends remain ignorant to the real, tangible pleasures that could have existed if they had not thrown their world away.
It is quite odd to hear someone comment on the fact that you used a metaphor, but we have already established that Violet goes beyond the norm when it comes to the feed dominated lives of the novel's characters; but violets comment suggests that not only can she recognize one, which I bet is a "brag" type thing in their futuristic time, but that Titus has set himself apart from the pack as well by not reverting so much to the almost demeaning form of speech that the feed has reduced them to use. This continues on into another point, the fact that their language is so odd and somplified suggests so much time within a system that only breeds them to use the feed and take advantage of what the world has to offer, versus coexisting with the resourcesthat the earth offers us...The feed and the corporations who control it have reduced them all to a bunch of bumbling idiots, even school is'nt taught to teach them how to learn useful things, it only teaches them how to take advantage, and in a way that I see as bad...
Dead Language
Violet comes from one of the few low income families depicted in the feed, preventing them form actually getting it in the begining. Also, her dad and her mother seemed pretty intent on insuring that their daughter could think for herself versus having an implanted computer dictate everything you do. Even so, nat having a feed in those times brought on minor inconvieniances, see, unfortunatley everything that happened happened on the feed, and they had none...off point, but it;s important to have backroung information...Her dad is probally one of the last truly educated men left in the time of the feed, and who wouldn't want to learn all these things, especaillly when your mind was not impeded by the ever harassing feed???Her dad home schooled Violet in the hope that she would not become entwined with the feed, that she would resist, is waht I imagine her father to encourage her to do...when I first started the book, I thought that the hacker dude was going to end up being her dad...in her family, real education and a dose of healthy rebillion played key roles that helped violet to understand that goal of the feed and help caox Titus out of his protective shell that the feed has created for them...
Violet wrong???
Everyone experiances what violet does, and yes, I think that there are times when violet has no right to be such a, well, bitch, but I also can't really blame her because since her feed was put in later rather than sooner and was less compatable with her system and her family can't afford the updates,so of course it would malfunbction,...that's one of the corporations biggest scams, ...always come out with product after product to ensure that people will desire the newest and best model versus the old one which is just as good...Everyone contradicts themselves once and a while, and sh'es only human, really, with computer pieces lodges in her brain!!!...ugh, this book really pisses me off....
I have strep throat, so I did not go to school today... :)
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